Monday, October 15, 2012

Held together

Sometimes we are stuck, and sometimes we just won't move. You could say these type of people are sometimes are in trouble or called stubborn, but now I think I will call them duct tape and bricks. We all get stuck, even on the simple things. Like this post I was stuck. I was tourist.. I slacked off this entire break, and I was stuck... Or was I being to stubborn to do it... I guess I am duct tape and a brick. Now the people that are un-moving or a brick, they have it harder. They kind of get a sick feeling of unaccomplished time waster. This can hence forth "can" make it harder to start moving. If you noticed I said can it could be harder for ether way. But why would we even go there. Why would we waste our time wasting time. It makes no sense. That's why I pulled my head out of my but and started to do some work. I do not want to be there any longer. Who would want to be there? "There" is a nasty place and I think all of you tourists, ya you to two post guy, should leave "there". We all need to leave there.

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